The orchestra, under Helge Dorsch, not only supplied the musical basis with full-blooded vitality, but, with its differentiating playing set also many beautiful accents.
Die Rheinpfalz
...a compact and harmonious rendering....surely with credit due to Helge Dorsch, who could count on his musicians. Thanks to his flexibility and good contact to the chorus, he was able to produce beautiful, effective musical tableaus.
Frankfurter Rundschau
Helge Dorsch excelled in the lyrical moments and led chorus and orchestra to a well-rounded lightness, even in the bombastic passages.
Münchner Merkur
The music came from the orchestra pit with Italian temperament, sparkling, lively....an orchestra with quick reactions, transparent and beautiful in tone....Qualities developed and realized by Helge Dorsch for the Festival Theatre.
Garmisch-Partenkirchener Tagblatt
Helge Dorsch painted the emotions of the characters with thrilling realism.
The orchestra played vivaciously and with Italianate lightness, Helge Dorsch conducted with precision and expression and kept the orchestra and singers together even in the most difficult passages.
Haller Kreisblatt
One must emphasize the coherence of the orchestra. The expression and differentiation were admirable in the entire piece.
The prelude of the third act was a perfect dream, calling forth spontaneous applause.
Osnabrücker Neue Zeitung
The trump-card of the performance belonged to Helge Dorsch and his brilliantly playing orchestra.
Die Glocke
Helge Dorsch´s conducting led the orchestra, chorus and soloists to a sophisticated interpretation.
Allgemeine Zeitung
Helge Dorsch with his brilliantly playing orchestra accomplished what would appear to be a near-impossible task in an open-air performance: explosive expression, ravishing melodiousness and scintillating verve. The audience sensed this and celebrated the conductor with enthusiastic applause.
Helge Dorsch led chorus and orchestra with emphatical gestures safely through the scene.
Helge Dorsch, conductor, gave the singers the necessary freedom and led the ensemble to an excellent performance.
Bonner Generalanzeiger
The musicians were especially convincing in the sensitive preludes to the first and third acts.
Oldenburgische Volkszeitung
Chorus and orchestra performed with great accentuation under Helge Dorsch´s firm conducting …a magnificent performance.
Rheinische Post, Düsseldorf
Helge Dorsch led the ensemble and orchestra safely through the most difficult passages without the use of a score. He was able to express the multi-faceted richness in dynamic contrasts at the highest level.
Grafschafter Nachrichten
An extremely lively and elastic orchestra, a dedicated conductor and an enthusiastic audience elevated the evening to an operatic celebration.
Julicher Nachrichten
Helge Dorsch starts the first measures of the orchestra very sensitively. He knows exactly where to tame the vehement Verdi-sound and where to allow the filigree passages to shine, thus never covering the voices.
Aachener Zeitung
Already in the overture it became evident that we were about to experience an unclouded pleasure with the orchestra and the conductor. The gracious, dancing melodies, the filigree soft sections were expressed most beautifully, not to mention the perfect accompaniment of the singers.
Hohenloher Zeitung
Pure soul is expressed by Helge Dorsch´s conducting. He is an expert in intimate tonal paintings. The maestro creates an atmosphere full of emotion which is transmitted to the singers.
The melodious overture, played by the securely and sensitively led orchestra under Helge Dorsch, impressed the audience immediately. Dorsch had to conduct in several directions simultaneously. It was a good thing that he didn´t have to look in the score, which he had memorized.
Westfälischer Anzeiger
Helge Dorsch supported the singers throughout. He produced a lean and elastic orchestral sound with mellifluous violins....Enthusiastic applause for the conductor and his orchestra.
Rosenheimer Nachrichten
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