Helge Dorsch
Consulate General
of the Federal Republic of Germany
Shanghai, May 11.2000

Gz.: Ku 630.25

Professor H. Helge Dorsch
Bommerholzer Weg 29
58300 Wetter

Regarding your concerts with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (23.4.2000) and the Orchestra of the Shanghai Opera (30.4.2000)

Dear Mr. Dorsch,
...The two concerts which you performed here in Shanghai were not only a source of great pleasure for me personally but served in the best manner to bring a part of German musical culture to Shanghai.

The intensity of your work with both orchestras, which brought each of them up to an extraordinarily high level, the extraordinarily warm reception of the audience, and not least of all, the chance to hear Mahler's 5th Symphony played for the first time in the rich tradition of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra -these are all good reasons to regard your stay in Shanghai as a truly spectacular success.

In the name of the General Consul, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for a truly effective piece of cultural diplomacy.

Katrin aus dem Siepen

